Module 01: Introduction Module (M1-EN)

Jordi Mallarach, Angela Ivanova, Wolfgang Kniejski


Making a monastic product portfolio the soul of a monastery

SKIVRE Training Module 1

In this module you will learn about the SKIVRE training scheme and why it is important for monasteries, which produce their own monastic products or would like to start a production process or want to boost their sales processes. It gives an overview of the main reasons for structuring the training scheme and the identified needs of monasteries Europe-wide. The training scheme is based on experiences of 20 monasteries in Europe, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant, with different monastic activities.

This SKIVRE module is structured using the following main areas for learning content:

  • Introduction to SKIVRE project.
  • Monasticism and monastic products as a centuries old tradition.
  • Nowadays needs of the monasteries. Either the needs of monasteries nowadays or Modern needs of the monasteries.
  • Overview of the modules and terminology.

Download Module 1

You may download the SKIVRE Training Module 1 from here.

Course code: M1-EN
Category: Training Modules
CC - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives


SKIVRE - ‘Skills Development for the Valorisation of European Religious Heritage’ is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project began in September 2018, with a total duration of 24 months and the following outcomes: an interactive digital learning platform, a multilingual training scheme, a merchandising handbook for monastic products and a publication of the historic crafts of monasteries and their potential for social enterprise for rural populations. The aim of the project is to provide a training scheme targeting the management, staff, monks and nuns of European monasteries and monastery shops in a committed and responsible way.

The training is geared towards providing tools for the development and sales of high-quality monastic products, with the goal of raising finances for the preservation of religious heritage sites. Nevertheless, production and product sales is a business for a monastery, and monasteries have to find the trade-off to make sure that this business does not overwhelm the core purposes of the monastery. 

Monasticism has existed for thousands of years, a form of contemplative life present in several religious traditions, such as Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism.

As an initial reflection, it is important to note that, while mercantilism has often been frowned upon by some monastic orders, whose main purpose is to lead a contemplative and religious life, the selling of products for sustenance or to fund monastic activities has been widely accepted and practiced for a long time. Often, monastic products become part of the ‘soul’ of monastic life, closely integrated into their everyday routines.

Through a survey responded to by 20 European monasteries – Catholic. Orthodox, and Protestant, we detected the need to improve the sales and appreciation of monastic products.  All income that monasteries earn from their activities support the sustainable development of the buildings and monastic life.