Module 02: Marketing Strategies (M2-EN)

Wolfgang Eisenreich, Angela Ivanova, Wolfgang Kniejski


Marketing Mix. Marketing Instruments. Marketing Communication. SWOT Analysis

SKIVRE Training Module 2

In this module you will learn about marketing and why it is important for monasteries that produce their own products and feel the necessity to become more informed and knowledgeable about the various instruments and methods used in marketing activities. You will learn about marketing instruments in the so-called “Marketing Mix”, about marketing strategies and about strategy development for your products. The “Marketing Mix” will describe the various types of decisions to be made about product strategies, product pricing and product distribution. Finally, you will also learn and understand the role of communications in the marketing process.

In a society where trends and developments influence each other rapidly, it becomes increasingly important to develop your own strategies and positioning in order to be prepared for the future. 

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Course code: M2-EN
Category: Training Modules
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The term “Marketing Mix” is a general expression used to describe the various types of marketing decisions, which need to be taken to bring your product or service to the target market. The marketing mix is also known as the “4Ps” (product – price – place – promotion); presumably the best-known way of characterizing the marketing mix.

The correct arrangement of marketing mix (see further elaboration of the 4Ps in Unit 1) by monasteries’ decision makers plays an important role in the success of the marketing activities:

  1. Develop strengths and avoid weaknesses (see details on SWOT analysis in Unit 2);
  2. Strengthen the competitiveness and adaptability; and
  3. Make the internal and external environment of the monastery work closely together (see details in marketing communication in Unit 3).


The main task of strategic marketing is to adapt your current situation to the expected development and to your intended objectives.

Strategies are long-term decisions or specifications that determine the framework of your organization’s policy, usually with a time frame of five to ten years. Such strategies can be compared with a guiding roadmap helpful for the daily management of your monastic enterprise, leaving space for short term tactical manoeuvres.

The marketing strategies are large scale and they determine structures, whereas short term marketing planning is tactical marketing and covers a time frame of approximately one year. It refers to certain defined measures and details.

The objective of this unit is to understand the role of communication in the marketing process in its entirety. Communication is not just advertising for the consumer, communication means to establish a relationship on many levels, from suppliers via consumers to one’s own employees.

Communication (and in particular, the sales promotion communication, e.g. advertising) is one of the main areas of the marketing mix next to the product, the price and the distribution. In the ideal case, it should be incorporated from the beginning of a marketing concept and occupy an equally important position.

Communication should not be reduced to the issue of advertising!

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