Module 10: Aspects of sustainability (M10-EN)

Karin Drda-Kühn , Angela Ivanova, Wolfgang Kniejski


Organisation, financing and value-adding elements

SKIVRE Training Module 10

You have already learned a lot about the development and marketing of attractive monastic products in the previous modules. The focus there was on product development, market positioning, branding, communication and financing.

In this final Module 10, you will learn sustainable ways for producing and selling monastic products considering all the knowledge gained in the previous modules. What forms of organisations are best suited for co-operation? Moreover, how can they be financially secure?

This module is structured along the following main lines for learning content:

  • Meaning and importance of sustainability and continuity;
  • Road map towards sustainability and continuity;
  • Organisational aspects of sustainability;
  • Aspects of personnel and financial sustainability.

Most of the above will include exercises and good practice examples in order to deepen your knowledge.

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Download SKIVRE Training Module 10

Course code: M10-EN
Category: Training Modules
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In general, sustainability means the capacity to continue, to stay diverse and productive for an indefinite term. It is often connected with development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” as defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987. Many different factors influence the process of sustainability, which will be addressed in this unit as well as in the following units and subunits.

In this chapter we have to go a little bit into detail about business organisation. This concerns the organisation of your monastery shop. Strictly speaking, there are two primary forms of organization that we present to you here.

If you already run a monastery shop, the following information and considerations may no longer be relevant to you. However, please continue reading - you can review your decisions about running your monastery shop in this way or be inspired to consider an alternative form of organisation.

Every successful entrepreneur will confirm to you how immensely important good, satisfied and committed personnel is and that the selection of reliable suppliers is equally important. The same is with the inclusion of volunteers. What does this mean for you as the operator of a monastery shop? Which standards are decisive for your work? The following learning unit tries to help you with respective decisions.

There are many ways to finance your monastery shop - from self-financing to loans and pub-lic subsidies. You have learned about that in Module 9 “Financing Strategies” already. First determine your financing needs in this unit and then select the best type of financing.

In this section you may find Good Practices.

In this section you may check your knowledge.